Muutamia viimeaikaisia lähteitä ja linkkejä Sinulle joka olet kiinnostunut teoksen aiheista ja paremmasta tulevaisuudesta.
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Some recent notes and links for You who are interested in the themes of the artwork and a better future.
The artwork A Bright Future explores different kinds of pollution and exploitation of the planet and its life. The enormous problems caused by the use of fossil fuels are known to all of us, still we open new oil fields, still governments subsidise these industries. The worlds oceans are emptied of fish, and now the focus is shifting towards deep sea species, squid and other fish that we know very little about. The majority of fishing vessels operating far from the shorelines do their fishing illegally and below the radar. However since the process involves super bright green led lights (as attraction and lure) these enormous ghost fleets have now been observed from space. Nuclear waste remains problematic for times far longer than our understanding. The new generation of Nuclear Power plants (like Olkiluoto 3) creates a more unstable residue that can be used as a high level nuclear weapon for hundreds of thousands of years from now on. What’s the plan? These problems are all highly complicated issues facing our existence, light pollution, which is the main focus of this work, is different by its nature. The pollution can is stopped immediately when we turn off the lights. There is no requirement for regenerative measures, ecosystem restoration, waste treatment or other more or less complicated processes. Below I have listed a few notes and references for you to look into if you want to know more about these issues. They range from analyses of our economic systems, to ecological philosophical thought to research into these areas and are by no means exhaustive of these topics. I highly recommend that you take a look at them if you have the time. Be nice. Go vegan. Take decisions for a better future.
– Breggman, Rutger – Utopia for Realists, 2014
– Eklöf, Johan – Mörkermanifestet, 2020
– Klein, Naomi – Hot Money (2021)
– Laakso, Senja & Aro, Riikka (toim.) – Planeetan kokoinen arki (2022)
– Lowenhaupt Tsing, Anna – Lopun aikojen sieni – elämää kapitalismin raunioissa (2020)
– Lyytimäki, Jari ja Rinne, Janne – Valon Varjopuolet – Valosaaste ympäristöongelmana (2013)
– Monbriot, George – This Can’t Be Happening (2021)
– Morton, Timothy – Hyperobjects (2013)
– Morton, Timothy – Being Ecological (2018)
– Silfverberg, Kari ja työryhmä – Ilmastometsät (2022)
– Tanizaki, Junichiro – Varjojen ylistys (2022)
– Wall Kimmerer, Robin – The Democracy of Species (2021)
– Seaspiracy (2021)
– Pimeän Vieraat (2023) – Yle Areena
– BBC Blue Planet II
Planet Earth II, Sea Turtles hatching, light pollution
– Light Pollution map
– A Time-Lapse Map of Every Nuclear Explosion Since 1945 – by Isao Hashimoto
The Brutal Reality of China’s Fishermen | Squid Fleet | The New Yorker Documentary
– Sea Shepherd Conservation Society
– Dark Sky International
– NASA – Astronaut photograph ISS066-E-25062
Yellow Sea Night Lights-valokuva
– Bringing Fishing to Light, 23.2.2023
– New Scientist 23.5.2018
Night fishing with light-up lures that can be seen from space
– The Guardian, George Monbiot, Wed 7 Apr 2021 07.00 CEST
Seaspiracy shows why we must treat fish not as seafood, but as wildlife
– The Guardian, Damian Carrington, Fri 22 Nov 2019 10.13 CET
Light pollution is key ‘bringer of insect apocalypse