Centre of Our Universe is a diptych light installation first presented at XXIV Mäntän Kuvataideviikot in 2019.
“The inspiration for this work rises from our dependence on water (in all it’s forms) for us and life on the planet. As polar icecaps continue melting at an rapidly accelerating pace and the earth’s atmospherical conditions continue to grow more unstable, we will soon find ourselves at a point of a positive feedback loop which might prove fatal. We are still 100% dependent on a healthy biosphere to survive as a species. Can you look your grandchildren and children in the eyes and with a pure heart tell them you did everything you could to stop this ongoing sixth mass extinction event from happening? If you’re not sure, what are you going to do about it?
Earth will survive for sure, but what happens to us?”
The work also raises questions about reflectivity, transparence and the complicated question of time. Where is the centre point? What is around it? Where are you? and should you be in the centre of something/-where else?
Centre of Our Universe was exhibited at Mäntän Kuvataideviikot in Pekilo, Mänttä-Vilppula 15.6.2019-1.9.2019
Recycled overhead projectors, glass, filter, paper, wood, revolving motor, polycarbonate