Chekhov Machine Collective

The Chekhov Machine is a collective that comprises of artists from various disciplines who have committed themselves to the play Three Sisters by Anton Chekhov. The collective creates new events and performances depending on the available space, time and possibilities. Each performance is a poetic improvisation on space and time – a site-specific live installation that deals with themes such as anxiety, ambivalence, sadness, longing, imprisonment and the feelings of being an outsider.

Chekhov Machine is a series of performances unlike you’ve never seen before. It is  Three Sisters transformed into a happening, mixing tradition with contemporary theatre and dance. Chekhov Machine is taking everything that is good in the tradition that is the base of all theatre today and shaking it up. What has become tired in classical renditions of these plays, we bring it back to life. We are going back to the roots of the theatre, and mixing it up with dance, with improvisation and with an energy that will breathe new life into this tradition. Anton Chekhov’s plays and their themes are timeless and multi-layered. Each of us will learn the entire play by heart and make an unforgettable performance out of it that will take over the world.

Chekhov Machine -Three Sisters goes Beckett at STOA September 2016
Directed/Choreography: Cris af Enehjelm
Set Design: Pia Männikkö & Elina Vainio
Lighting Design and Analog Projections: Alexander Salvesen
Video Design: Paola Guzman Figueroa
Composer: Okko Nuotio
Performers:Jonna Eiskonen, Minna Karttunen, Esete Sutinen, Delfiina Huczkowski, Petra Pälmä, Siru Kosonen, Heta Keskinarkaus, Päivi Kangas, Marjatta Oikawa, Tuuli Mattila, Saija Jäntti, Giorgio Conventito, Antti Seppänen, Wilhelm Blomberg, Marlon Moilanen, Gerard Cabarrocas Serra, Raino Ranta, Fabian Gustav Silén.
Musicians: Timo Pyhälä, Natalia Castrillon, Olli Haveri, Moritz Cartheuser

Chekhov Machine goes Three Sisters in Mad House 2015