What started off as a spur-of-the-moment “wow, that light looks nice” – reaction on March 7th 2017 has become a work that eventually now includes 360 photographs. Each depicting a different space with a different light. Here I’ve shifted my perception from forward to upward, looking at the ceilings (and other new perspectives) in all the places I visit. Since this project was a an almost two year long journey, it inevitably also makes up some kind of visual diary of my movements in this world, and in Helsinki, my hometown in particular. The current plan is to collect all the photographs into a bigger installation where the images will fill up a large wall or ceiling sized approximately 3,5m x 12,5m or more. However the installation of the works is still very much in the making. I also have plans on publishing a photographic book of all these images.
The work is inspired by the notion by Georges Perec in his book Espèces d’espaces (1974) that we no longer pay attention or care about ceilings, and the especially the details in them. Simply put we’ve stopped looking. It’s a practice of shifting focus to the unusual spaces and perspectives around us.
This thought has provocated me to lay down in public spaces, libraries, theatres and so on, just to experience the space from a new angle. As one result we have this series which focuses on the emitted light itself and how it illuminates me when I’m right underneath it. The series is also an homage to the circle and the square, both magnificent forms that fascinates me a lot.
All photographs have been published to Instagram to my account @Zalvesen all images can also be found there with the hashtag #houselightseries