Sivuun Nostettuja Tarinoita (Stories Left Aside)
Modern folk music and contemporary dance meet to discuss important questions. What is important in life, and what was it in the past?
What should one do about things that are best forgotten? What cannot be talked about must be sung and danced out.
Music: HOHKA
Valtteri Lehto: kantele, guitar
Meriheini Luoto: violin, nyckelharpa (keyed fiddle)
Veikko Muikku, accordion
Enne Ilo Purovaara, double bass
Dancers: KVG Dance Company
Krista-Julia Arppo
Joonas Luomala
Johannes Purovaara
Set- and Costume Design: Tinde Lappalainen
Lighting Design: Alexander Salvesen
Premiere: 1.2.2014 SibaFest, Helsinki
Other shows:
14-15.2.2014 Verstas, Seinäjoki City Theatre
4.3.2014 Sibelius-Hall, Järvenpää
More shows to be announced.
More information about the project and the music on the Hohka website here
Video from the demo performance in the opening ceremony of the University of the Arts August 2013 here
Sivuun nostettuja tarinoita – IssueX