Chair, carpet, mixed media, light
Welcome to the Machine is a symbolic throne. Covered in desperate, angry, begging, kind and disappointed comments on the Finnish political situation and the country’s leading politicians. It is a throne of justice and power, that has been marked by the people. The piece was exhibited in May 2014, during the RRR! – Festival, in Sibelius Academy’s R-Building that is serving as a temporary premise for the Finnish Parliament.
The piece was accompanied with the following text:
“Minulla on päätösvaltaa ja tämä tässä on minun todellisuus.
Minun eikä kenenkään muun.
Vaikka te ette tiedä niistä mitään, niin tiedän, että minulla on oikeat ajatukset.
Luottakaa toki minuun, tiedän teistä kaiken tarpeellisen.
Vaan tähän laitteeseen en kyllä istu tentattavaksi.
It often feels like many of the decisions made by the parlament in Finland are made considering only the current situation. The solution is only temporary and of no benefit for the future, either to us as individuals, as one nation or one planet. I have ahead of me a future when I and my generation of young citizens must try to correct and fix all the errors made by older generations (if fixing is even possible in the first place after all the misuse of power and focus that has infected our society). There are actually very few people that have the power and simoultaniously the will of taking the responsibility of their decisions and to bravely stand behind them. Every time. So, what about you? Do you recognize yourself here? Or do you know what I’m talking about. But maybe most importantly: Are you willing to take the challenge?
As it has been stated: With great power comes great responsibility.
Taiteen tekemiseen kuuluu vahvasti olemassa olevien vanhojen konventioiden kyseenalaistaminen. Toivon että tämän muuton myötä samanlaista ajatusmallia ja työskentelytapaa voisi laajentaa myös sinne missä maamme tulevaisuutta poliittisella tasolla ohjataan. Mitä jos voisimme joskus ajatella itse eikä vaan kopioida ja totella sokeasti sitä mitä muut ovat jo tehneet? Ja tämä on vain yksi parannusmalli.
Pallo on teillä. Ottakaa koppi jos uskallatte.”